Staged Realities


Franz Derra (1923 – 2000)

Halina Hildebrand

Susanna Kraus (in cooperation with Annegret Kohlmayer)

Staged photography, although not yet applied in reference to Franz Derra’s work as a description, is nevertheless just as applicable to his experimental photography as it is to the photographic works of Halina Hildebrand and Susanna Kraus. In the basic concept of staged photography, the closeness to reality is less determinant, yet it is present in the works of the three photographers in this exhibition. To the same extent that the “staged realities” have similarities, they also differ from each other emotionally, technically, temporally, and thematically. Together, the exhibited works form an artistically very broad spectrum of experimental and staged photography, which is worth discovering.
March 6 – April 24, 2022
Vernissage March 6, 12 p.m
Friday 2 p.m. – 6 p.m
Saturday and Sunday 12 p.m. – 5 p.m
and by appointment
Chausseestr. 15 A | 14109 Berlin
+49 30 8052311 |